2020 MMI NetMeeting - Transitioning to the New Normal: Back-to-the-Office Plans and the Emerging Cultural Divide

Replay | MMI NetMeeting

Over the past three months – a time of tremendous uncertainty and market volatility – asset and wealth management firms have been forced to redeploy their workforces and while continuing to serve clients. While firms have been tested and shown resilience, challenges clearly lie ahead as offices begin to reopen and the latest version of the “new normal” is defined.

This MMI member-only NetMeeting examines how firms are adapting, the digital call to action within the industry, and how working from home may become the rule rather than the exception.

Doug Fritz of F2 Strategy will be joined by two members of the Wealth Tech Innovation Board to discuss the results of an in-depth industry analysis that delves into the transition plans of wealth management firms, asset managers, and RIAs. In addition to sharing perspectives on client engagement, the panel will explore the brewing cultural divide between East Coast and West Coast firms, the lasting effects of the pandemic on client engagement, and the transformative impact of digital initiatives now under way.

Arlen Oransky, SVP, Chief Membership Officer, MMI

Doug Fritz, CEO, F2 Strategy
Tuppy Russo, Head of Private Wealth Infrastructure, Bernstein Private Wealth Management

30 minutes (including time allocated for Q&A) 

This NetMeeting is closed to members of the media. 

Please contact MMI with any questions at (646) 868-8500 or events@mminst.org.

The Wealth Tech Innovation Board is an invite-only curated think tank of wealth technology leaders who excel through knowledge-sharing and confidentiality. Armed with data, insights and experience, our members drive the digital evolution of the RIA, asset management, wealth advisory and family office industry together.