MMI/Morningstar Sustainable Investing Virtual Event

Framing ESG in the context of our current crisis


The global pandemic underscores the need for a more resilient, inclusive, and just economy. Join MMI and Morningstar for a discussion of how advisors can help clients in periods of market uncertainty. We’ll examine investment performance amidst the COVID-19 crisis, actionable ideas for advisors who contend with changing investor objectives, and how to cement client relationships during periods of fear and anxiety for investors.

This 50-minute webcast replay will offer three 10-minute segments, plus Q&A, on the present and future impact of the COVID-19 crisis on ESG/Sustainable Investing.

Performance and Positioning – Sustainable Funds Weather a Volatile Period
Jon Hale, PhD, CFA, Head of Sustainable Investing Research, Morningstar

Portfolio Construction and Re-Positioning Considerations
Sarah Kjellberg, 
CIMA®, Head of Sustainable ETFs, BlackRock

Stewardship and Practice Management
Mary Green, 
Vice President, Client Portfolio Manager, Federated Hermes

For more information, contact MMI at (646) 868-8500 or email

Additional Information

Presenting Firms




Special thanks to our Sponsor whose support is
instrumental in bringing you this virtual event!


Topic Descriptions

Performance and Positioning – Sustainable Funds Weather a Volatile Period
Presenter: Jon Hale, PhD, CFA, Head of Sustainable Investing Research, Morningstar

After enjoying steady inflows in the last five years, sustainable funds fared slightly better than their conventional benchmarks in the recent market downturn. We’ll review the growth of this group, their characteristics, and their performance in the context of the recent pandemic.

Portfolio Construction and Re-Positioning Considerations
Presenter: Sarah Kjellberg, CIMA®, Head of Sustainable ETFs, BlackRock

Based on insights from thousands of advisor models across the industry over the past 12 months (and validated through the Aladdin risk management platform), BlackRock will discuss actionable ideas for portfolio re-positioning with sustainable investing. BlackRock believes that global sustainable ETFs and index mutual funds assets will grow six-fold to $1.2 trillion within the next decade. The presenter will review the forces behind this shift and how you can effectively reposition your portfolio.

Stewardship and Practice Management
Presenter: Mary Green, Vice President, Client Portfolio Manager, Federated Hermes
Based on the pioneering engagement work at Federated Hermes and its Equity Ownership Services team—the global team of 38 has engaged with 471 companies on 1,221 ESG issues in the first quarter of 2020 alone—we will review ways to strengthen your own best practices in crisis management:

  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Business Purpose Statement to Guide Ethical Behavior
  • Supply Chain Risk Management
  • Human Capital Management

Presenter Biographies

Jon Hale, PhD, CFA, Head of Sustainable Investing Research, Morningstar
Mr. Hale has been Global Head of Sustainability Research at Morningstar since March 2016. He oversees the team's operations, thought leadership, and manager research coverage across active, passive, fund-of-funds, and alternative investment strategies. Earlier, he was a director of manager research for North America at Morningstar Investment Management Europe Ltd, Research Division beginning in 2014. He also served as portfolio manager of Morningstar OBSR and led its consulting team and was portfolio manager of Morningstar Associates, LLC asset management arm and various Transamerica Series trusts.

Sarah Lee Kjellberg, CIMA®, Head of Sustainable ETFs, BlackRock
Ms. Kjellberg leads the overall strategy across product, marketing, thought leadership, and distribution. In her prior experience at BlackRock, she served as an investment management consultant, working with CIOs, portfolio managers, and financial advisors within the bank wealth management and wirehouse channels. Before joining BlackRock in 2007, she worked for Credit Suisse as an assistant vice president in institutional equity sales, where she helped market investment research and capital market products. She began her career at Credit Suisse, providing sales and trading support within the institutional fixed income sales group. Ms. Kjellberg graduated cum laude in business administration from the University of San Francisco. She holds FINRA Series 7 and 63 licenses and the CIMA designation from Investments & Wealth Institute (formerly IMCA) and the Wharton School of Business.

Mary Green, Vice President, Client Portfolio Manager, Federated Hermes
Ms. Green joined Federated Hermes in 2019 as a vice president and client portfolio manager focused on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) investing. With more than 25 years of investment experience, she is primarily responsible for interaction with clients and consultants with regard to the Hermes Investment Management Limited products. Prior to joining Federated Hermes International in London, she was a portfolio strategist at GE Asset Management (acquired by State Street Global Advisors) and a managing director/client portfolio manager at Bear Stearns Asset Management. Ms. Green received a BA in Chinese language and an MBA from Dartmouth College.

CE Credit

Investments & Wealth Institute® has accepted HOW TO HAVE A CLIENT MEETING IN 2020: Framing ESG in the context of our current crisis for 1.0 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA® certifications. Please contact MMI at or (646) 868-8500 for the Course ID number after you watch the replay.

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Attendee Registration: or (646) 868-8500

Speaker Registration:
Zelle Richardson or (646) 868-8510