2017 MMI Annual Conference

October 2-4, 2017 | Chicago, IL
Swissôtel Chicago
Sold Out
The Future of Advice: The World Turned Upside Down?

BIG NEWS! In 2017, the MMI Annual Conference expands to three days, moves to the Fall and takes the place of a standalone Fall Solutions Conference.

Estee Jimerson, Managing Director, Head of Asset Manager Distribution, Envestnet
David Lindenbaum, Vice President, Managed Accounts & Alternative Investments, Charles Schwab & Co.

As MMI marks its 20th anniversary, the 2017 Annual Conference will look ahead – focusing on how the investment advisory solutions industry will evolve over the next decade and what it might look like in 2027.

  • What will be the key drivers of change?
  • What products and tools will be required to deliver successful outcomes for investors?
  • Where do the greatest challenges and opportunities lie?
  • How will the roles of distributors, asset managers, and financial advisors change and what will be their value-add?

Our expanded three-day format means more sessions, more expert speakers, and more time to drill down on the acknowledged “revolutions” under way – digital, consumer, passive, global, wealth transfer, and fiduciary, to name just a few – but also to consider the potential game changers around the corner and how best to prepare for them.

The Conference program mixes an exciting lineup of keynote speakers, general sessions, and “Ted Talk”-style presentations with specialized subject tracks on day 2. To add a festive note, the annual Industry Awards Dinner on October 3rd will be MMI’s official 20th anniversary celebration with special guests and activities.

In keeping with MMI’s 20 years of industry leadership, the 2017 Annual Conference will be forward-looking, provocative and, most importantly, aspirational. It’s not just about where our industry is headed, but what we want it to look like in 2027.

If you want to keep pace with the individuals, firms, and trends driving the future of advisory solutions, join us in Chicago for a one-of-a-kind event 20 years in the making!


Additional Information

Recap: 2017 MMI Annual Conference

If you missed the 20th anniversary edition of MMI’s Annual Conference, you missed what many attendees are reporting as “the best MMI conference ever” – different, bigger, and with broad appeal. 520 attendees – a record number – gathered at the Swissôtel in Chicago October 2-4 for three days of candid conversations on the hottest topics in the investment advisory solutions space, with 28 sessions and more than 90 expert speakers.

A highlight of the event was the gala MMI/Barron’s Industry Awards Dinner, where the winners of our annual industry leadership awards were announced, and Matt Witkos was honored as MMI’s 2017 Advisory Solutions Pioneer. The dinner raised a record amount of funds to support MMI’s Gateway to Leadership Foundation and its growing slate of programs to offer career awareness, industry education, internships, and full-time, entry-level placements for aspiring college students from diverse backgrounds.

The conference theme, The Future of Advice: The World Turned Upside Down?, set the tone for a very forward-looking program that examined what investment advice delivery will look like over the next decade from various perspectives. Co-Chairs Estee Jimerson, Managing Director, Head of Asset Manager Distribution & Engagement, Envestnet and David Lindenbaum, Vice President, Managed Accounts & Alternative Investments, Charles Schwab, and their planning committee constructed an agenda that featured top-level speakers and topics at the forefront of discussions across the advisory solutions industry.

Among the keynote speakers were: Morningstar CEO Kunal Kapoor; Stephen Young, Senior Partner of Insight Education Systems; Tim Pawlenty, CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable; and Greg Valliere, Chief Global Strategist of Horizon Investments.

The varied program included general sessions on the technology tailwind changing the face of advisory solutions, managing unconscious bias, funding the next wave of financial services innovation, the “ultimate test of mental toughness,” and a detailed update by MMI President & CEO Craig Pfeiffer on new and ongoing MMI initiatives to expand member benefits and services in exciting ways.

With the extra time afforded by a third day – a format that was very well received by attendees – the agenda also included five sessions on current and future hot topics in four specific subject areas – sales & marketing, regulatory & compliance, technology & operations, and product development. The host of subjects explored in the 20 specialty sessions included the “new” evolution of active management, a look at the 2027 advisory product shelf, the future of distribution, cyber security, sales analytics, the life cycle of asset managers, why digital matters, process automation, the growing generational divide, the ebb and flow of advisor discretion, the truth about sustainable investing, operating in a post-DOL world, trading operations best practices, and the post-robo world powered by digitally-enhanced advice.

To give you a flavor of the broad range of topics addressed, here’s a quick recap of some of the meeting highlights in the form of 20 quotes from our 20th anniversary Annual Conference:

Craig Pfeiffer

“When you go to college to study accounting and you graduate, you can actually do accounting. But when you go to college and study accounting, finance, marketing, psychology or biology, you can’t do advisory solutions, you can’t do wealth management. We as an industry have the responsibility to accelerate our productivity through people coming into our business and growing in our industry, and I think MMI will be very much a part of that.” Craig Pfeiffer, President & CEO, MMI

“I am very honored to be Chairperson on this 20th anniversary of MMI’s founding – I have been involved with and have loved the MMI for many years, and it is very exciting for me to be able to do this.” Roger Paradiso, MMI Chairman, Head of Alternative Distribution Strategies, Legg Mason

“In the next three to five years, I believe the trend toward outsourcing will continue with more and more advisors moving investment management to third-parties, and increasingly the advisor will morph into what I consider to be a life coach.” Kunal Kapoor, CEO, Morningstar

“From my point of view, blockchain is the most fundamentally disruptive idea of our era. If you think about Sweden considering blockchain currency, you won’t need banks any more...As I read more about blockchain – and I am no expert – I’m seeing that this is a really huge idea.” Robert Stanich, Global Wealth Offering Manager, IBM Watson Financial Services

“Advisors are dealing with regulatory reform, the challenge of helping people save for retirement and spend wisely in that retirement, a smaller shelf, and a smaller number of asset managers and vehicles. One of the helpful experiences in all of this is that you quickly become vehicle-agnostic...It’s less about the vehicle. It’s about how can you deliver your investment management capabilities to the advisor and the client at the lowest possible cost.” Kevin Clifford, Chairman & CEO, American Funds Distributors

“The institutionalization of all of the businesses across distribution gives me great optimism. It has focused us on understanding the repeatable disciplined investment process and understanding in what type of markets our strategies will perform or underperform. I do think the level by which we are partnering with firms and advisors and becoming more specialized, more customized and tailored...It allows us to be more focused rather than bringing any product to everyone across all market channels. Those partnerships are important.” Lisa Jones, President & CEO, Amundi Pioneer Asset Management 

“The issues we are dealing with today are similar to those we have been dealing with for the last 25 or so years. But it feels like the pace of change has picked up, and it is likely that what we will see ten years from now in terms of the industry dynamic will be quite a bit different…What investors are looking for in terms of outcomes, good advice, reasonable solutions – that hasn’t changed. But the landscape – in terms of how we get there and how we work together as an industry to help advisors achieve those goals – is on the cusp of something quite significant in terms of the future being different from the past.” Tom Faust, Chairman, President & CEO, Eaton Vance

“We don’t tend to think much about the power of unspoken ‘micromessages’ in the daily essence of what gets understood. More important than anything, neither the sender nor the receiver can be actively, thoughtfully conscious of what is being sent or received. But micromessages do get sent. They do get processed and acted on and can influence how people perform.” Stephen Young, Senior Partner, Insight Education Systems.

“I’m a very big believer in trusted relationships. I’m also a very big believer that technology is something that enhances that trusted relationship. Today, quotes on a website are totally commoditized, trading on a website totally commoditized, portfolio construction totally commoditized. The thing that has not been totally commoditized is that trusted relationship, and that is where there is going to have to be a focus.” Vinnie Ferrari, Principal & Chief Information Officer, Edward Jones

“As we look ahead, I know a lot of people think the business is under pressure, and it is. There are many challenges ahead – regulatory, demographic. From my perspective, turn that around, and look at the opportunities, and I think there are a ton of them. We just have to be creative and do things like asking the tough questions and challenging ourselves to find the value we can derive for our clients.” John Moninger, Managing Director, Retail Sales, Eaton Vance

“For breached organizations, you should come to a point where you move past the breach and build into your organization some level of cyber resiliency. OK, we had a breach, how do we keep moving forward and be able to quarantine that incident off?” Danyetta Fleming Magana, CEO, Covenant Security Systems

“You don’t really have to be an expert at technology or cybersecurity. Just know that every day there will be something – a massive breach, hacking incidents, new vulnerabilities. It’s escalating, and in the last few years the trend has been quicker and faster.” Joe Pedone, Managing Director, JP Morgan Asset Management

“There is a benefit today to scale. If you do your technology right, your HR right, your cyber security right along with legal, compliance, payroll, and all the other elements, that enables people to just focus on investments. Investment excellence drives everything, and if you don’t have it, you won’t be successful.” Carl Katerndahl, Executive Vice President, Nuveen

“Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google are the firms we see having the ability to change the game. Microsoft might also argue it should be in that conversation. I don’t think any of them are getting into wealth management in the near term with different reasons for each of them. The one that really could if it wanted to is Google – it has tremendous assets, relationships with all of us, data and even credibility in terms of the intellectual capital they bring to the table…But it is easier for them to make money in all of our businesses by being the gateway to customers’ intent rather than by harvesting that intent themselves.” Matthew Harris, Managing Director, Bain Capital Ventures

“There is an interesting article from a professor at Stern NYU on the 2% phenomenon. Everything in financial services costs 2%. You owe money, it costs 2%. You manage money, it costs 2%...The question for us as an industry is – with all the gains from efficiency, from technology – whether we are going to crack that 2%, and whether it will be done from the outside or the inside.” Atul Kamra, Managing Partner, SixThirty

“The good news is that, on the regulatory front, a lot is about to happen. From an industry standpoint, it is going to be very active and very positive. Soon there will be a new director of the Corporation for Enterprise Development. There are already new teams at the SEC and the CFTC. There are certain to be three new Fed governors and probably a new chair within the next nine months. President Trump has placed in these positions – or is about to place – people who are deep practitioners of financial services or are business line leaders, lawyers, consultants, and operators who know the financial services space as well as anyone in this room.” Tim Pawlenty, President & CEO, Financial Services Roundtable

“The whole aperture of the sustainability lens has widened immensely over the last several years, and all of that ‘stuff’ is important to some stakeholders. That’s at the mouth of the funnel, but at the neck of the funnel are the handful of metrics – really informed and industry-specific to future returns. Those are the kind of signals we are trying to get at and fuse together with our quantitative investment processes.” Chris McKnett, Managing Director, Head of ESG, State Street Global Advisors

“I do know there is not just one way of judging sustainability, but that doesn’t mean it’s fluffy. Similarly, there’s not just one way of finding value…We are used to dealing with a certain amount of ‘wiggle room’ in finance. The fact that there is wiggle room in judging sustainability should surprise no one...It’s a matter of getting more familiar with what is out there and what you are comfortable with and what the client is comfortable with. I don’t think there is a silver bullet.” Julie Gorte, SVP for Sustainable Investing, Portfolio Manager, Pax World Investments

“Some people have learned to focus on solutions rather than problems…You have the ability to choose your thoughts and choosing the right thoughts for performance is, in essence, the definition of mental toughness.” Dr. Jason Selk, Performance Coach & Best-Selling Author

“In all my years of doing this, I have rarely seen the fundamentals look as good collectively as they look right now. Not great, but everywhere you look – the labor market, GDP, inflation, corporate profits – things are positive. I think the fundamentals are what we should focus on and tell our clients to focus on rather than the next Tweet from Donald Trump.” Greg Valliere, Chief Global Strategist, Horizon Investments

As post-conference feedback tells us, it was an exciting and jam-packed three days. If you joined us in Chicago, we hope you left the conference feeling on top of what lies ahead for investment advisory solutions and confident about the invaluable role our industry plays in meeting the needs of investors – today and in the future.

If you were not able to attend, please contact us with questions on any of the topics or resources discussed in this report.

Please also check the MMI calendar of upcoming events, which includes the 2018 Sales & Marketing Leadership Summit, March 20-21 in Tampa and the 2018 Annual Conference, October 15-17 in Dallas.



Date Time Title
Monday, October 2 1:00pm - 1:15pm

Craig Pfeiffer, President & Chief Executive Officer, Money Management Institute
Roger Paradiso, Chairman, Money Management Institute
Conference Co-Chairs:
Estee Jimerson, Managing Director, Head of Asset Manager Distribution & Engagement, Envestnet
David Lindenbaum, Vice President, Managed Accounts & Alternative Investments, Charles Schwab & Co.

Monday, October 2 1:15pm - 2:00pm

Executive Spotlight: Factors Changing the Face of Advisory Solutions
In a fireside chat format, Craig Pfeiffer and Kunal Kapoor discuss the broad range of trends that are significantly impacting the present and the future shape of the investment advisory solutions industry. Among the topics they will tackle: the dynamics of the active vs. passive debate; the scope and impact of regulatory reform; the steadily growing importance of data, who owns it, and how it can be harnessed for decision making; successfully navigating generational differences to serve multiple client segments; and the traction being gained by sustainable investing.

Kunal Kapoor, Chief Executive Officer, Morningstar
Craig Pfeiffer, President & Chief Executive Officer, Money Management Institute

Monday, October 2 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Technology: A Tailwind for the Investment Advisory Solutions Industry
It’s no secret that market forces and shifting demographics are dramatically changing the advice industry, challenging advisors and their firms to customize client service and engagement across a broad population. This session will examine how technology – when precisely applied – can leverage these efforts. Leaders from three world renowned organizations will share their views on the impact of technology today, how it is likely to expand, and the directions in which it may lead us.
Moderator: Steve Gresham, Executive Vice President, Fidelity Investments
Panelists: Andrew Davidson, Global Growth Leader, Financial Services, SalesForce
Aishia Snider, Industry Solutions Executive, Microsoft 
Robert Stanich, Global Wealth Management Offering Manager Leader, IBM Watson Financial Services 

Monday, October 2 3:00pm - 3:30pm

Solutions Spotlight
In this fast-paced session, two of our Annual Conference sponsors will offer quick-hitting "TED Talk"-style presentations that focus on timely topics pertinent to our conference theme.  Prepare to be engaged and entertained!

Monday, October 2 3:30pm - 4:00pm Networking Break in Solutions Center
Monday, October 2 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEO Spotlight: Asset Management in 2017
In this roundtable session, Craig Pfeiffer and the CEOs of three prominent asset management firms examine how the industry may need to reinvent itself over the next decade. The panelists will offer insight and perspective on the greatest opportunities – and most significant challenges – including managing expectations in a lower return/higher risk world, matching new product development to changing advisor and investor needs, embracing new technologies, margin pressure in the face of the rise of passive investing and industry consolidation, new distribution strategies and the emergence of fintech partnerships, and what it takes to maintain shelf space. 
Moderator: Craig Pfeiffer, President & Chief Executive Officer, Money Management Institute
Panelists: Kevin Clifford, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, American Funds Distributors
Tom Faust, Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Eaton Vance
Lisa Jones, President & Chief Executive Officer, Amundi Pioneer Asset Management
Monday, October 2 5:00pm - 5:15pm President's Update
Craig Pfeiffer, President & Chief Executive Officer, Money Management Institute
Monday, October 2 5:15pm - 7:00pm Opening Reception in Solutions Center
Tuesday, October 3 7:00am - 8:00am Networking Breakfast in Solutions Center
Tuesday, October 3 8:00am - 9:00am

MicroInequalities: Managing Unconscious Bias   
A central thread in the fabric of great leadership – at all levels – is the ability to inspire the performance of others across all diversity dimensions and cultural and geographic borders. In this session, leadership expert Stephen Young offers insight and direction on how to send messages that unlock the performance of others. He will demonstrate how subtle communication patterns – what he terms MicroInequities – can reveal unconscious bias, significantly impacting business performance and employee morale. Mr. Young will share skills and techniques to help identify and actively manage micromessages – the nuances in gestures, facial expressions, tones of voice, word choices, and eye contact – that can be either debilitating or empowering to employees and to your effectiveness as a leader. Understanding the power of micromessages, whether negative or constructive, Mr. Young argues is the key to improving your leadership skills and driving employee loyalty, retention, and most critically, performance. 

Stephen Young, Senior Partner, Insight Education Systems

Tuesday, October 3 9:15am - 10:15am

Sales & Marketing: Session 1  
The Future of Distribution: A Channel by Channel View 

The financial services industry increasingly recognizes that we are at a pivotal moment, but how many of us fully appreciate the seismic nature of the transformation taking place? The shape of the industry may change more in the next ten years than it has in the last 30, and only half of today’s asset managers and broker-dealers may survive the next five to ten years. This panel explores the distribution implications of the macro shifts impacting our industry and debates how distribution organizations and asset managers should plan and prepare for the future.
Moderator: Steven Miyao, President, Distribution Solutions, DST
Panelists: Keith Glenfield, Managing Director, Head of Managed Solutions, Merrill Lynch
Eric Koestner, General Partner, Advisory Platform, Edward Jones 
Andrea Lisher, Head of North America Global Funds, JP Morgan 


Regulatory & Compliance: Session 1  
Operating in a Post-DOL World

While the DOL and Congress have continued to assess the fiduciary rule, firms across the industry have moved to support the rule and embrace a fiduciary standard. This panel of experts will cover a range of topics spanning the specific steps manufacturers, distributors, and individual advisors have taken to support the rule, including how managed accounts are being leveraged in this effort. This session will also include updates on the latest regulatory and legislative activities related to the DOL rule. (Note: This session is strictly off the record. )
Moderator: Rob Klapprodt, President, Vestmark, Inc.
Panelists: Todd Cipperman, Managing Principal, Cipperman Compliance Services
Alastair McKibbin, Vice President, State Street Global Advisers
Tom O'Shea, Associate Director, Cerulli Associates
John Shields, Managing Director, Risk and Regulatory Compliance, CFGI


Technology & Operations: Session 1  
2027: How Technology Will Radically Change the Investment Process and Investor Experience

Hear what the world of asset management and the investor experience will look like in 2027 through the lens of technology and operational experts. This panel will tackle the ways in which technology and operational changes will – over the coming decade – reduce costs, change the investment process, alter the advisor/client relationship, and enhance the investor experience. Learn how technology will alter the course of our thinking, how FinTechs are forcing established firms to alter their approach, and why it’s important to adapt short-term rather than long-term.
Moderator: Liz Skinner, Reporter, InvestmentNews
Panelists: Vinny Ferrari, Principal and Chief Information Officer, Edward Jones
Donie Lochan, Managing Director, Chief Technology Officer, Global Head of Technology, Invesco 
Joe Nadreau, Managing Director Innovation and Strategy Group, Wells Fargo Advisors


Product Development: Session 1  
The "New" Evolution of Active Management

The beat goes on in the active vs. passive debate with much of the focus now on product structures and benchmarks. With it seemingly harder and harder to generate alpha, this session will look at where opportunities may lie for active managers. Our experts will debate such topics as: the vehicles and strategies best suited to active management; the pros, cons, and marketplace reception of active ETFs; innovative fee structures and pricing models to compete with passive investments; how firms can best differentiate themselves in a crowded market; and strategies to gain access to sponsor platforms.
Moderator: Ron Fiske, Head of Retail, Apex Clearing
Panelists:  Matthew Forester, Director and Chief Investment Officer, Lockwood Advisors 
James Moore, Managing Director, Product Manager, Head of Investment Solutions, PIMCO
Russell Tipper, Senior Vice President, American Funds

Tuesday, October 3 10:15am - 10:45am Networking Break in Solutions Center
Tuesday, October 3 11:00am - 12:00pm

Sales & Marketing: Session 2  
The Growing Generational Divide and its Impact on Advice Delivery

The preferences and expectations of younger generations will have a profound impact on the investment advisory industry. Millennials – the largest percentage of the population – are now out of college with careers and families, and Generation Z (aka iGen) is close behind and will soon overtake Millennials. Firms that aren’t already preparing for these massive shifts will find it increasingly difficult to compete and remain relevant. In this presentation, Curt Steinhorst will argue that reaching the next generations of clients, decision makers and colleagues requires rethinking existing business approaches and adopting new ones. He will offer perspective on how these generations differ not only from previous ones, but from each other. Key takeaways include what they buy and how they make purchase decisions – which influences how they invest – and best practices for spanning the generational divide and building relationships and trust.
Presenter: Curt Steinhorst, The Center for Generational Kinetics


Regulatory & Compliance: Session 2  
The Future of Retirement Advice

With the DOL now seeking to delay full implementation of the fiduciary rule until July of 2019, its seems firms will be forced to continue to grapple with uncertainty on the regulatory front for the foreseeable future. Against that backdrop, this session brings together leaders from across the brokerage, insurance, retirement, asset management and technology sectors to provide a broad perspective on adjustments they are making to how they manage retirement advice and offerings. How is the dialogue between clients and advisors changing and how are advisors now handling rollover conversations? Are broker-dealers turning to alternate models, such as an in-house or third-party RIA, to eliminate the confusion between suitability and fiduciary? How are insurance and asset management firms adjusting their product mix to grow and retain assets? And how are technology providers capitalizing on the greater need for sophisticated tools and automation?
Moderator: Kelly Hynes, Principal, FSO Wealth and Asset Management, Ernst & Young
Panelists: Jason Bortz, Senior Vice President & Senior Counsel, Capital Group
Bruce Hagemann, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, BBVA Securities
Aaron Schumm, Founder and CEO, VestWell


Technology & Operations: Session 2  
New Rules of Engagement: The Digital Service Model

New technologies and rising client expectations are driving firms to overhaul how they serve clients across segments and channels. The new digital service model is about more than just automating investing for self-service clients. It also includes traditional advisors adopting new tools and the hybrid service model that combines the best of hi-tech and hi-touch. In this session, you will learn about: the latest innovations in client engagement tools; ways to make the most of advisor-client collaboration opportunities both remotely and in-person; and how to re-design your service model to suit multiple segments of clients and advisors, including the new hybrid model.
Moderator: Anton Honikman, Chief Executive Officer, MyVest
Panelists: Robert Borgert, Chief Marketing Officer, Jefferson National
Tina Hurley, Managing Director, Individual Advice & Planning Solutions, Individual Products and Services, TIAA
Charles Smith, Executive Director, Wealth & Asset Management Advisory, Ernst & Young


Product Development: Session 2  
2027: What Will the Advisory Solutions Product Shelf Look Like? 

As asset managers adapt to the changing needs of investors, learn how the development and introduction of new products and solutions is being impacted. This session looks at the advisory product shelf of the future, considering such factors as: the evolution of SMAs, funds, ETFs, and alternative investments; trends in discretion; the advent of new benchmark-agnostic products that focus on outcomes; risk management and the need for predictable streams of return; and how clean shares may change the landscape of distribution relationships.
Moderator: Yanni Bousnakis, Head of Investment Solutions, Cetera Financial Group
Panelists: Adam Antoniades, President, Cetera Financial Group
John Moninger, Managing Director, Retail Sales, Eaton Vance 
Daniel Needham, CIO, Morningstar

Tuesday, October 3 12:00pm - 1:15pm Networking Luncheon in Solutions Center
Tuesday, October 3 1:15pm - 2:15pm

Sales & Marketing: Session 3  
Sales Analytics in Action

The promise of sales analytics that sprang to life in the early 2000s is finally being realized by distribution teams. After a series of starts, stops, and implementation challenges, investment firms using CRM and sales data to refine segmentation and enhance targeting are seeing a significant boost in productivity and effectiveness. This panel will deliver real-world examples of how they overcame challenges to adoption – including changes to compensation plans – and used sales analytics to achieve positive results across the full spectrum of advisor types.
Moderator: Neil Bathon, Managing Partner, FUSE Research Network
Panelists: Theresa Brennan, Vice President, Head of Business Intelligence & Client Segmentation, Deutsche Asset Management
Jeremy O'Shea, Managing Director, Head of Global Sales Analytics, Legg Mason
Marianne Rivera, Associate Publisher, weathmanagement.com

    Regulatory & Compliance: Session 3  
Cyber Threats, Fraud, and Data Loss: What Your Firm Needs to Know About Cyber Security

This session’s panelists, sharing insights into the changing landscape of cybercrime and the implementation of sound cyber practices, will discuss the latest defensive technologies, strategies, and processes to ensure cyber security. In addition to current best practices, topics include cybercrime trends threatening businesses today, how best to respond to an internal or external cyberattack, third-party risk management, privacy law obligations in the event of a data breach, cyber security implications for research departments, and proactive steps to protect clients, data, networks, and operations.
Moderator: Darren Duffy, Head of Wealth Management Business Solutions, Thomson Reuters
Panelists: Danyetta Fleming Magana, Chief Executive Officer, Covenant Security Solutions, Inc.
Joe Pedone, Managing Director, J.P. Morgan
Steve Stone, Partner, Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP

Technology & Operations: Session 3  
Process Automation- Understanding RPA, BPM and AI
Financial services organizations are challenged with the need for continuous improvement, and technology and automation are increasingly the avenue to get results. While there are many types of automation solutions, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has become one of the most talked about topics in the industry today. But is RPA the right solution for your business? Where do Business Process Management (BPM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) come into play? Leading firms will share their perspective and firsthand experience with solving business automation needs through the application of such technologies as RPA, BPM and AI.
Moderator: Hannah Glover, Managing Editor, Ignites
Panelists: Andy Curtis, Senior Vice President, Director of Business Analytics, Northern Trust
Patrick Ferguson, Practice Lead, DST
David Jones, Managing Director, Accenture


Product Development: Session 3  
Hedging and Protection for the Next 10 Years: It's Not Always About Alpha
We don’t know how many bull and bear markets there will be over the next 10 years, but we do know that the vast majority of investors are worried about losing money. This panel of investment experts will examine whether or not the market is fully valued, what lies ahead after two decades of boom and bust cycles, hedging tools that actually work, and how they are implemented. Our experts will offer insight and perspective on: the red flags that could potentially turn into “black swans;” why it’s important to generate alpha by limiting beta; the importance of integrating hedging and tactical management into mainstream investing; and tools that can help asset managers navigate a market in distress.
Moderator: Rick Garcia, President, PVG Asset Management 
Panelists:  Pat Adams, CEO, PVG Asset Management
Zoe Brunson, Senior Vice President, Investment Strategies, AssetMark 
Aashish Vyas, Director of Portfolio Strategy and Overlays, Swan Global Investments

Tuesday, October 3 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Sales & Marketing: Session 4
The Lifecycle of an Emerging Asset Manager

As an integral part of MMI’s Emerging Asset Manager initiative, rpmAUM™ - in partnership with MMI- conducted a ground-breaking research project on the different phases in the life cycle of asset management firms. This session presents the results of that study, highlighting why strategic decisions made at critical life stage inflection points – introduction, growth and maturity – have propelled certain asset management firms to success and doomed others to stagnation. The discussion will center on: industry best practices for asset managers as they progress through the life cycle stages; specific recommended strategies; and a specialized diagnostic check list to help managers determine what life stage they are in and whether they are likely to pass muster with key influencers and decision makers.
Moderator: Russell Parker, President, rpmAUM 
Panelists: Brendan Clark, CEO, Clark Capital
Carl Katerndahl, Executive Vice President, Nuveen Investments
Andrea Trachtenberg, Partner, rpmAUM 


Regulatory & Compliance: Session 4  
Trading Operations Best Practices Through a Legal Lens

This panel focuses on how industry trends are affecting trade execution, communication and reporting requirements. As investors become more price-sensitive, increased fee transparency and best execution scrutiny are top of mind for both managers and sponsors. Growing sponsor preference for model delivery programs to lower total cost of ownership has led to significant implications for trading operations. Managers looking to maintain trade discretion must now be able to prove the benefits of their trading results as a positive differentiator and value-added service for the end investor. Similarly, when sponsors assume the trading responsibility of model delivery programs, they too need policies and procedures to monitor the quality of trade execution. Learn how SMA sponsors and money managers are approaching best execution in traditional SMA relationships and model-based programs. Topics include dealing with trade-away costs and showing the information to clients, best practices for equitable trade rotation, and improved communication requirements for model delivery platforms.
Moderator: Fred Jacobs, Senior Vice President, Fiserv Investment Management
Panelists: Greg Nordmeyer, Senior Vice President, General Manager Managed Accounts, Ameriprise Financial Services
Larry Stadulis, Partner, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP


Technology & Operations: Session 4  
Why Digital Matters to the Asset Management Industry
The bar for digital experiences in financial services is constantly being raised. Digital has clearly become more than just “another channel” to reach out to clients, advisors, and partner firms. Today, having a website is no longer enough. Individuals want timely, personalized communications wherever they are, and firms have begun to capitalize on the broad range of tools now available – from marketing automation and artificial intelligence to chat bots and voice recognition. Asset managers who establish a presence to engage wealth managers and sponsor firms across digital channels – including social and mobile – will acquire more valuable prospect data and quality leads that can be converted into their next generation of customers. Those who don’t adapt will ultimately be left behind. This panel will explore what leading firms are doing to stay ahead of the digital curve today, as well as where they’re headed in the future.
Moderator: Leslie Walstrom, Head of U.S. Marketing, Columbia Threadneedle Investments, U.S. 
Panelists: Mike Cogburn, Managing Consultant, DST 
Sean Kellenberger, Head of U.S. Brand, Marketing and Digital Strategy, RBC Wealth Management
Mark McKenna, Head of Global Marketing, Putnam Investments 


Product Development: Session 4  
Advisor Discretion: At a Plateau, Still 
Growing  or Poised to Contract? 
This panel will take on where advisor discretion is headed over the next three, five and ten years. Specifically, it will look at challenges with respect to performance, compliance, benchmarking, risk measurement, and positioning vis-a-vis traditional advisory business and the popularity of strategist models. Faced with an aging advisor population and massive generational transfer of wealth, learn how firms are planning for future growth by adopting or creating process efficiencies. 
Moderator: Estee Jimerson, Managing Director, Head of Asset Manager Distribution & Engagement, Envestnet
Panelists: Mark Balasa, Co-Founder & CIO, Balasa Dinverno Folz 
Greg Gohr, Vice President, Advisory Services, Commonwealth 
David McNatt, Head of Corporate Strategy, AssetMark 

Tuesday, October 3 3:30pm - 4:00pm Networking Break in Solutions Center
Tuesday, October 3 4:00pm - 5:00pm

General Session
Funding the Next Wave of Financial Services Innovation

It’s no secret that financial services lags behind other industries in critical areas of technological and operational efficiency. Across the industry, firms are now investing heavily in technology up and down the entire supply chain, driving transformative change in wealth and investment management. Hear from a panel of executives whose firms are at the forefront of funding the next wave of technological innovation in our industry as they discuss which areas they believe are most ripe for disruption, which emerging technologies appear to hold the most promise, how they seek and evaluate opportunities, and the characteristics they look for in technology investments. Our experts will also discuss the prospects for firms outside our industry – think Amazon acquiring Whole Foods – jumping into the game with potential acquisitions or partnerships and what the consequences would be.
Moderator: Timothy Welsh, President, Nexus Strategy
Panelists: Mark Casady, General Partner, Vestigo Ventures
Christopher Dean, Managing Director, Summit Partners 
Matthew Harris, Managing Director, Bain Capital Ventures
Atul Kamra, Managing Partner, SixThirty

Tuesday, October 3 5:00pm - 6:30pm Networking Reception in Solutions Center
Tuesday, October 3 6:30pm -  9:00pm Industry Leadership Awards Dinner
Wednesday, October 4 7:15am - 8:15am Networking Breakfast in Solutions Center
Wednesday, October 4 8:15am - 9:00am

Understanding Today’s Politics and What Will Happen Next
Tim Pawlenty, President and Chief Executive Officer, Financial Services Roundtable

Wednesday, October 4 9:00am - 9:30am

Solutions Spotlight
In this fast-paced session, two of our Annual Conference sponsors will offer quick-hitting "TED Talk"-style presentations that focus on timely topics pertinent to our conference theme.  Prepare to be engaged and entertained!

Wednesday, October 4 9:30am - 10:30am

General Session
The Relentless Solution Focus: The Ultimate Measure of Mental Toughness  
Dr. Jason Selk, considered one of the country’s premier performance coaches, has helped Fortune 100 executives and their organizations along with well-known professional and Olympic athletes develop the mental toughness necessary for high-level success. In this keynote presentation, he discusses Relentless Solution Focus (RSF), a proven methodology that helps leaders develop the discipline needed to overcome obstacles to achievement – both professionally and personally – and produces organizations that are healthier, happier, and more successful. Dr. Selk will demonstrate simple exercises you can use to retrain your brain to quickly replace the negative thinking that arises when we are confronted with a problem with solution-focused thought within 60 seconds. 

Dr. Jason Selk, Performance Coach & Best-Selling Author

Wednesday, October 4 10:30am - 11:00am Networking Break in Solutions Center
Wednesday, October 4 11:00am - 12:00pm

Sales & Marketing: Session 5  
Creating a Successful Partnership between Wholesalers and Broker-Dealer Field Consultants 

One of the keys to successful wholesaler/advisor relationships – and one of the greatest challenges – is creating field engagement driven by alignment between the asset manager and the broker-dealer. In examining the dynamics of this partnership, this panel will look beyond traditional value-add programs and explore best practices for growing assets and retaining clients. Our experts will review specific strategies, including: how both sides can align on sales themes and topics; ways to grow the total pie rather than shift AUM; whether to go big or small; and how to drive revenue from sales and cost sharing. 
Moderator: Steve Demetrovits, Vice President, Director of National Accounts, Stadion Money Management
Panelists: Jon Cooley, Senior Relationship Manager, Putnam Investments
Jeff Strange, Managing Director, Strategic Insight


Regulatory & Compliance: Session 5  
Top Regulatory Challenges for Distributors

The DOL’s fiduciary rule has captured everyone’s attention, but FINRA, the SEC, and the states have all been active with their own regulatory initiatives and enforcement agendas for broker-dealers and RIAs. Among the topics our panel of experts will discuss are mutual fund share classes in investment advisory accounts, load waiver programs for mutual funds purchased by certain charitable and retirement accounts, sales of Class L variable annuities, and state laws which define all financial advisors as fiduciaries. (Note: This session is strictly off the record.)
Moderator: Mark Quinn, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Cetera Financial Group
Panelists: Joseph Gallo, Senior Counsel, Lincoln Financial Network 
Scott Kirwin, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Fidelity Investments 
Brian Rubin, Partner, Eversheds Sutherland 


Technology & Operations: Session 5  
The "Next Big Thing" - A Post Robo World Powered by Digitally Enhanced Advice

Looking back, the Robo phenomenon's legacy will be low cost, single account, simple user experience, and a wake-up call for the industry to embrace technology. Hear from a panel of senior executives from firms that are leading and delivering on our industry’s “post-Robo” future, creating ecosystems that improve investor – and advisor – outcomes by leveraging technology and software to manage all the accounts in a client household in an optimal way. The focus is now on digitally-enhanced advice, which optimizes and quantifies the financial benefit these ecosystems produce, including financial planning, aggregation of all account types, risk management, proposal generation, investment selection, robo and real advisors, asset location, model assignment and management, and intelligent withdrawals across the multiple accounts found in the typical household. 
Moderator: Jack Sharry, Co-Chair, MMI Digitally-Enhanced Advice Committee 
Panelists: Eric Lordi, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley 
Ed O’Brien, CEO, eMoney Advisor 
Ross Znavor, Head of Commercialization, Digital Wealth Solutions Group, BlackRock


Product Development: Session 5 
The Truth about Sustainable Investing

Sustainable, responsible and impact investing (SRI) is an investment discipline that considers environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria to generate long-term competitive financial returns and positive societal impact. This panel of sustainable investing business heads will drill down into who is really investing in SRI/ESG, the fastest growing areas of sustainable and responsible investing, and the real facts around performance. Does sustainable investing mean sacrificing investment returns?
Moderator: Jon Hale, Head of Sustainability Research, Morningstar 
Panelists: Stephen Freedman, Executive Director, Head of Sustainable Investing, UBS Wealth Management 
Julie Gorte, Senior Vice President for Sustainable Investing, Portfolio Manager, Pax World Investments 
Chris McKnett, Managing Director, Head of ESG, State Street Global Advisors 

Wednesday, October 4  12:00pm - 1:00pm General Session with Closing Luncheon
The Outlook for Tax Reform and the Trump Agenda

Greg Valliere, Chief Global Strategist, Horizon Investments
Wednesday, October 4 1:00pm 

Closing Remarks

Conference Tracks

Sales & Marketing Track
This track focuses on new paradigms and practices in the distribution of investment advisory solutions. Topics include: the continued integration of sales and marketing functions; a channel-by-channel look at challenges and opportunities; where advisor discretion is headed; successful partnership models for managers and broker-dealers; how to serve multiple client segments simultaneously; the future of revenue sharing arrangements; effective use of data and predictive analytics; and what wholesaling will look like in 10 years. Attendees will understand the forces reshaping the distribution of advisory solutions and hear first-hand from sales and marketing pros at sponsors and asset managers.

Regulatory & Compliance Track
This track focuses on the most significant regulatory and compliance issues impacting investment advisory solutions from both the sponsor and asset manager perspectives. Topics include: operating in the post-DOL world, the future direction of retirement advice; new approaches to risk assessment and business intelligence; best practices for managing cyber threats; and managing SMA and model portfolio trading issues. Attendees will gain practical insight and takeaways from CCOs, industry consultants, and business experts who are on the front lines navigating these challenges on a daily basis.

Technology & Operations Track
This track examines – from a technology and operations perspective – what the worlds of asset and wealth management will look like in 2027. Topics include: the radical impact of technology on the investment process and investor experience; how digitally-enabled advice is impacting the competitive landscape in different channels; how the original robo disruptors are evolving their business models and how industry incumbents are responding; the pros and cons of outsourcing; and the cutting-edge tools that are transforming client interactions and servicing, sales and marketing practices, and platform operations. Attendees will gain an understanding of scalable opportunities from the experts at asset managers, sponsor firms, and leading solutions providers.

Product Development Track
This track focuses on what the advisory solutions product shelf may look like in 10 years, examining key factors and drivers for both asset managers and distributors. Topics include: new outcome-oriented, benchmark-agnostic products; the next evolution of active management with a look at the types of vehicles, strategies, and pricing structures that are emerging; the use of risk management and hedging tools; making SRI “sustainable”; and the life cycle phases of an emerging asset manager. Attendees will gain an understanding of current trends in advisory product development and what they portend for the future.

Keynote Speakers

Kunal Kapoor
Kunal Kapoor
Tim Pawlenty
President & CEO
Financial Services 

Jason Selk
Performance Coach & 
Best-Selling Author
Jason Selk
Greg Valliere
Chief Global Strategist
Horizon Investments
Greg Valliere
Stephen Young
Senior Partner
Insight Education Systems 
Steve Young

Featured CEO panel:

Kevin Clifford
Chairman & CEO
American Funds Distributors

Kevin Clifford

 Tom Faust
Chairman, President & CEO
 Eaton Vance

Tom Faust

  Lisa Jones
President & CEO
Amundi Pioneer Asset Management

Lisa Jones

Registration Fees

Registration categories and pricing are as follows:

Standard Registration: September 1 - Onsite  Member: $1,895.00  Non-Member: $2,395.00
One Day Rate - October 3 only  Member: $1,295.00 Non-Member: $1,795.00

No refunds will be granted for cancellations after 5:00pm ET on Friday, September 1, 2017. Substitutions are permitted. Please notify MMI at (646) 868-8500.

Volume Discount for Multiple Attendees
Save 10% off the Standard Registration rate for the third registrant and beyond from the same firm. Contact MMI headquarters at (646) 868-8500 for details and the special code to use during the registration process.

Hotel Information

Headquarters Hotel – Swissôtel Chicago 
323 East Upper Wacker Drive
Chicago ▪ IL 60601-9722

The MMI room block at the Swissôtel Chicago is now fully booked. We have secured another block of rooms at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, located a short 0.2 mile walk away. 

Hyatt Regency Chicago
151 East Upper Wacker Drive 
Chicago ▪ IL 60601-9722

The Hyatt Regency Chicago is accepting reservations from MMI Annual Conference attendees based on availability at its best available rate – currently $349 plus 17.4% tax per night for single or double occupancy.

Reserve your room at the Hyatt Regency Chicago online at https://aws.passkey.com/event/49412486/owner/2135/home or dial (888) 421-1442 and reference the 2017 MMI Annual Conference.  

2017 MMI/Barron’s Industry Awards Dinner

Join us on Tuesday, October 3rd for the 2017 MMI/Barron’s Industry Awards Dinner, where we will present our annual awards recognizing achievement and innovation in investment advisory solutions. We will also honor the 2017 MMI Advisory Solutions Pioneer. In addition to recognizing outstanding industry performance, this festive evening will be the official celebration of MMI’s 20th anniversary and serve as a fundraiser for MMI’s Gateway to Leadership workplace diversity program.

Individual tickets and tables for the dinner can be purchased as part of your Annual Conference registration or separately by calling (646) 868-8500. Individual seats are $350.00 per person, and tables for eight are available for $2,700.00.

As Gateway to Leadership is a 501(c)(3) charity, $175.00 of the individual seat fee and $1,300.00 of the table fee are tax deductible.

Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities

2017 ProspectusThe year-long celebration of MMI’s 20th Anniversary will culminate at the 2017 Annual Conference in Chicago. We’re anticipating increased attendance and a full house of 400 investment advisory solutions executives.

The Conference represents a truly unique opportunity to build brand awareness, showcase your firm's offerings, and make new connections. A limited number of premium sponsorship packages, exhibit hall booths, and à la carte sponsorship items are available. Act now to secure your preferred selection and save 20% on Premium Sponsorships through June 30, 2017.

Download our comprehensive guide to Sponsor and Exhibitor opportunities.
Download Now

Be part of the action at the investment advisory solutions industry's most important event of the year.

Contact Joan Lensing (jlensing@mminst.org) or Jackie Willis (jwillis@mminst.org) immediately for additional information and to reserve your space.


Attendee Registration:
events@mminst.org or (646) 868-8500

Speaker Registration:
Laura Payne

lpayne@mminst.org or (646) 868-8510

Fees & Billing:
Samantha Lustig

slustig@mminst.org or (646) 868-8516

Sponsorship & Exhibitor Opportunities:
Joan Lensing or Jackie Willis

jlensing@mminst.org or (646) 868-8518
jwillis@mminst.org or (646) 868-8513