Trends in Distribution and Sales Team Compensation

Thursday, February 4, 2021 | MMI Webinar

Join us on ThursdayFebruary 4 at 2:00 PM ET for a members-only MMI Webinar, presented by the Distribution & Sales Community. Four senior sales leaders will debate and discuss a range of distribution team compensation trends, including: 



  • Compensating on gross versus net sales
  • Incentive focused plans versus base/bonus only
  • Including activity versus results only
  • Tiered incentive schedules versus flat incentive schedules
  • Formulaic bonus arrangements versus pure subjective bonus arrangements

Arlen Oransky, SVP, Chief Membership Officer, MMI

John Moninger, Managing Director, Retail Sales, Eaton Vance

Allison Bonds
, Managing Director, Head of Private Wealth Management, State Street Global Advisors 
Jeff Carlin, Senior Managing Director, Head of U.S. Wealth Advisory Services, Nuveen
Scott Sipple, Co-Head of Global Distribution, Putnam Retail Management

60 minutes (including time allocated for Q&A)

This MMI Webinar is closed to members of the media.

We hope you can join us on February 4. This Webinar will be recorded. Even if you cannot attend live, please register so that we can notify you when the replay is available.

Questions? Contact us at or (646) 868-8500.