Opening Doors

February 10, 2022 | 4:00-5:30 PM ET
Complimentary admission | Donation encouraged | Open to members and non-members | Press allowed

MMI’s event to advance DE&I in the financial services industry

Join us for a virtual happy hour to support the Gateway Foundation and the work of MMI’s member firms to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the financial services industry. Opening Doors represents this collective effort and amplifies the impact of the industry’s corporate citizenship in underserved communities.


The virtual program will feature:

  • Gateway Foundation Strategic Campaigns: Success Stories
  • Winter cocktail secrets from Host Events
  • Presentation of Opening Doors Awards

If you cannot attend but would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support the Gateway Foundation, please click here

Questions? Contact us at or (646) 868-8500.

Additional Information





Sponsorship Opportunities

A limited number of high-profile Sponsor packages are available.

For additional information, please contact:
Sam Greenstein
(646) 868-8516

Cancellation/Transfer Policy

Due to the nature of this event, no refunds or credits will be granted for cancelled registrations and no registration transfers will be permitted.

MMI Conference Code of Conduct/Antitrust Guidelines and Compliance Policy

Money Management Institute (MMI) conferences and events provide an opportunity for MMI members and other industry participants to come together for educational and networking purposes. Inappropriate behavior, such: as possible illegal conduct; use of derogatory or discriminatory language, gestures or actions; verbal or physical abuse of any type, unwanted advances or invasions of privacy; or any activity that might be construed as harassment, racism, or sexism, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

If you aware of, or are involved in an incident, at an MMI conference or event that violates this Code of Conduct, please contact MMI immediately. MMI will promptly and confidentially investigate any reported activities and take appropriate action.

Please also familiarize yourself with the MMI Antitrust Guidelines and Compliance Policy


Attendee Registration Contact: or (646) 868-8500

Speaker Registration Contact:
Zelle Richardson or (646) 868-8510

Fees & Billing Contact:
Samantha Greenstein or (646) 868-8516

Sponsor Opportunities Contact:
Joan Lensing or (646) 868-8518