MMI NetMeeting - Navigating Distributor Diligence Teams

Replay | NetMeeting

The rising influence of the home-office at broker-dealers is forcing asset managers to place more importance on covering the research teams within these groups. To provide better understanding of home-office research teams and how they function, MMI and FUSE Research Network teamed up to conduct a new research study focused on the dynamics of distributor due diligence teams.

This members-only MMI NetMeeting covers key findings from the resulting brief, A 360o View of Distributor Due Diligence Teams. Moderated by industry veteran Kevin Keefe, the webinar delivers insights into the investment manager research function, focusing on staffing levels, structure, and the roles and responsibilities of team members. A panel of due diligence executives also discusses emerging trends and reviews strategies and best practices for engaging with research teams.

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Arlen Oransky,
 SVP, Chief Membership and Programs Officer, MMI

Kevin Keefe,
Consultant, FUSE Research Network

Tim Clift,
Chief Investment Strategist, Envestnet | PMC
Anna Snider, Head of Due Diligence, Global Wealth and Investment Management CIO Office, Merrill Lynch

50 minutes (including time allocated for Q&A) 

This NetMeeting is closed to members of the media. 

Please contact MMI with any questions at (646) 868-8500 or