MMI NetMeeting - Investors First: Rebuilding the Advice Business Around Client Needs

November 15, 2017 | NetMeeting

As investor demand evolves towards outcome-based services rather than investment performance, the tools and offerings that wealth and asset managers should develop to strategically position themselves will become increasingly client-centric and data-driven. Firms must take several critical steps to win in an environment where the traditional roles of asset manager, platform, and advisor are transforming.    

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Professionals from Casey Quirk by Deloitte discuss: 

  • the future of how advice will be delivered to investors,
  • this transformation's implication on current business models, and
  • how asset managers and wealth managers need to transform to succeed.


Arlen Oransky, SVP, Chief Membership and Programs Officer, MMI

Tyler Cloherty, Senior Manager at Casey Quirk by Deloitte
Chloe Gardner, Consultant at Casey Quirk by Deloitte

50 minutes (including time allocated for Q&A) 

Tyler Cloherty, Senior Manager
Casey Quirk by Deloitte
203 -898 -4223

Chloe Gardner, Consultant
Casey Quirk by Deloitte
917 -244 -5365