MMI NetMeeting - Advisory Solutions: Expectations and Experiences

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Surprising gaps between client expectations and firm delivery continue to challenge the wealth management industry and inhibit client value. New research from MMI and Aon debunks persistent myths about client attitudes and delves into these gaps, which are being amplified by the COVID-19 crisis.   

This MMI member-only NetMeeting provides an overview of the new MMI-Aon Advisory Solutions: Expectations and Experiences research and explores the biggest opportunities and disconnects in advisory solutions delivery. The session examines both investor and advisor views of the value of investment advice and how it is delivered. Key discussion topics include:

  • Personal values – why they are essential to client-centric relationships,
  • Planning experiences – what makes them valuable and memorable, and
  • Digital readiness in the time of COVID – client expectations and how they will evolve.

Joan Lensing,
SVP, Chief Programming Officer, MMI

Peter Keuls,
Global Head of Wealth Management, Aon
David Lo, Head of US Client Insight, Aon

50 minutes (including time allocated for Q&A)

This NetMeeting is closed to members of the media.

Please contact MMI with any questions at (646) 868-8500 or