MMI NetMeeting - Adapting Manager Due Diligence in the Age of Sustainable Investing: The Here and Now

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Investors are increasingly asking that the investment of their wealth take into account sustainable investing objectives – and that trend is only accelerating with the current crisis as a real-time case study. This complimentary MMI NetMeeting aims to equip due diligence and research professionals – as well as asset managers – with tools to help them carefully navigate the exploration and inclusion of ESG and sustainable investment criteria in their platform decisions.

Participants will gain a better understanding of current trends and identify concrete steps needed to align the asset manager and gatekeeper perspectives. Based on concepts presented in the recent report by The Investment Integration Project (TIIP) and MMI, Sustainable Investment Products & Due Diligence: Insights from Industry Experts, the panel will discuss:

  • Key developments and trends in the sustainable investment space and the unfolding effects of the COVID-19 crisis
  • The tools that are available to assist the due diligence process
  • What managers are continuing to get wrong about the integration of ESG and impact investing
  • What is on the horizon for due diligence officers and managers

Tim Williams,
Director, Education Initiatives, MMI

William (Bill) Burckart,
President, The Investment Integration Project (TIIP)

Sarah Hoyt,
Investment Director, Mission Related Investing, Cambridge Associates
Jessica Matthews, Managing Director, Global Head of Sustainable Investing, J.P. Morgan Private Bank

50 minutes (including time allocated for Q&A)

For more information, contact MMI at 646-868-8500 or