2020 MMI NetMeeting - Key Trends in Wholesaling: The Current and Future Landscape

Replay | MMI NetMeeting

For nearly 10 years, Sequoia has partnered with Cerulli Associates to survey asset manager distribution professionals regarding opportunities, challenges, and best practices as they engage with financial advisors. 

This MMI member-only NetMeeting, jointly presented by Cerulli Associates and Sequoia, highlights major findings and takeaways for wholesalers from their latest distribution study. You will hear what is working in today’s environment – and what it will take to be successful as distribution coverage models continue to evolve.

Key topics include:

  • The latest trends in wholesaling
  • The current advisor mindset
  • Effective territory growth strategies

Arlen Oransky, SVP, Chief Membership Officer, MMI

Ed Louis, Senior Analyst, Wealth Management, Cerulli Associates
Steve Meier, Executive Program Director, Sequoia System

45 minutes (including time allocated for Q&A) 

This NetMeeting is closed to members of the media. 

Please contact MMI with any questions at (646) 868-8500 or events@mminst.org.