2019 MMI Annuity & Insurance Solutions Executive Roundtable

October 1, 2019 | NYC
Allianz Life Financial Services

45th Floor, Park Conference Room
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

The Money Management Institute (MMI) is sponsoring an Executive Roundtable that will bring together Annuity and Insurance Solutions business leaders to discuss emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges in an intimate, closed-door setting. Hosted by Allianz Life Financial Services at their midtown New York offices on Tuesday, October 1st, this ½-day session will include key stakeholders from the product, distribution, asset manager and wealth management sides of the business.

The Roundtable discussion will include:

  • The introduction of MMI’s new Annuity and Insurance Solutions working group and community, led by Corey Walther of Allianz Life and Tim Munsie of Jackson National Life
  • A high-level overview of industry trends, including a discussion of ongoing collaborations
  • Exploration of the potential formation of a new industry consortium
  • Direct insight and perspective on key trends from leading fintech firms

This Roundtable is by invitation and limited to 25 participants.

If you have any questions, please contact Arlen Oransky, SVP, Chief Membership & Programs Officer, at aoransky@mminst.org or (646) 868-8505.

Additional Information




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events@mminst.org or (646) 868-8500

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