2018 Sales & Marketing Leadership Summit

Invitation Only
March 20-21, 2018 | Tampa, FL
Marriott Tampa Waterside Hotel & Marina

Kimberly LaPointe, Executive Vice President, Head of Global Accounts, PGIM Investments
Roddy Marino, Executive Vice President, National Accounts and Distribution, Brinker Capital

Embracing the Advisor of the Future: The Shifting Landscape of Advisory Distribution

Amid profound shifts on the technology, demographic, and regulatory fronts, there is lots of industry conversation about what the delivery of advisory solutions and the Financial Advisor of the Future will look in 5, 10 or even 20 years. Meanwhile, advisors are on the front lines every day grappling with clients’ evolving needs and increased expectations. This year’s Summit will take a step back and examine the advisory solutions landscape from the practitioner’s point of view. What are the greatest challenges and opportunities as seen through the advisor’s lens? And what, in turn, are the ramifications for asset managers and sponsor firms in terms of such key issues as overall business strategy, advisor engagement and support models, product development, use of digital, etc.?

Among the topics we’ll tackle:

  • An Evolving Value Proposition? – Firms are increasingly encouraging advisors to focus on client relationships and asset gathering rather than investment management.  Where are these efforts gaining traction, and what are the implications?
  • Blurring Lines – As the distinction between the institutional and retail marketplaces continues to fade, how does that impact advisory distribution models? How are firms refining distribution roles, and where are they placing the biggest bets?
  • The Impact of FinTech – Sponsor firms and asset managers are racing to adopt “digital” across all business fronts and to arm advisors with new automated advisory tools. What is the uptake, and what are the major challenges to adoption?
  • A Solutions Mindset – Low cost, transparency, goals-based, multi-asset, ESG, alternatives – these are just a few of the themes that come up in any discussion of advisory product. But which are the top priorities for advisors and clients – and how does that inform how managers and distributors should think about product development and the solutions they deliver?
  • The Gatekeeper Effect – If the advisory tides are shifting in favor of home-office and third-party strategist models, what is the knock-on effect on asset managers? How are gatekeeper relationships changing, and what will they look like in the future?

Additional Information

Recap: 2018 Sales & Marketing Leadership Summit


More than 245 industry executives attended the MMI Sales & Marketing Leadership Summit in Tampa March 20-21. Widely recognized as a “must-attend” event for the investment advisory solutions industry’s most senior sales and marketing executives, the theme of this year’s Summit was Embracing the Advisor of the Future: The Shifting Landscape of Advisory Distribution. The agenda featured an exceptional line-up of speakers and sessions on a range of key distribution topics – the blurring lines between the institutional and retail marketplaces, the future of advisor product usage, the new realities of wholesaling, the gatekeeper effect on advisory distribution, and the impact of fintech, to name a few.


To give you a flavor for the Summit experience, here is a quick summary of highlights:

Golfing for a Good Cause
A day before the official kickoff of the Summit, 26 golfers participated in the inaugural Gateway to Leadership Golf Outing, playing TPC Tampa Bay to raise funds for MMI’s Gateway workplace diversity program. Special thanks to MMI Governor Kevin Osborn of Envestnet, who served as honorary chairman of the event, and our intrepid golfers. A good time was had by all while benefiting a great cause!

Welcome and Opening Remarks  
MMI’s Arlen Oransky opened the meeting with special thanks and congratulations to the Summit Co-Chairs, Kimberly LaPointe of PGIM Investments and Roddy Marino of Brinker Capital, for their hard work and the robust agenda they developed for the conference. Next, MMI President & CEO President Craig Pfeiffer took the stage to welcome the attendees and acknowledge 2018 MMI Titanium Partner BNY Mellon, Platinum Partner Fiserv, and Summit Gold Sponsor Discovery Data for their generous support of the event and MMI’s programs. Mr. Pfeiffer then introduced MMI Board Chairman Roger Paradiso, who noted the efforts of the MMI team, the expanding suite of MMI member benefits and services, and the continued strength of the membership base.

Lessons in Leadership
John Moninger & Retired Vice Admiral Sean PybusIn introducing the opening keynote presentation, John Moninger of Eaton Vance stressed that, in a period of transition and great uncertainty, it is tremendously important to look for strategic insights from leaders of change both within and outside the financial services industry. He then welcomed Retired Vice Admiral Sean Pybus, USN to share leadership lessons from his distinguished and award-winning career in naval special warfare in U.S. Special Operations and, specifically, the U.S. Navy SEALS.

Admiral Pybus framed his comments about leadership through the lens of teamwork, using compelling illustrations from the history of modern special operations. He emphasized four points that are critical to successfully leading teams: having the right people; developing a teamwork quotient; intelligence (defined not as IQ, but as understanding your customer, your adversary and even your peers and what they are doing); and execution.

Concluded the Vice Admiral, “The bottom line is the more you know, the better it will go. Don’t get paralysis through analysis. You’ve got to take some risks, but you should win before you go in.” More anecdotes and a lively Q&A led by Mr. Moninger rounded out the session.

Greetings from the Co-Chairs
Kimberly LaPointe & Roddy MarinoAfter thanking Admiral Pybus for his comments and his service to the nation, Co-Chair Roddy Marino noted that the planning committee’s guiding principle in shaping the conference agenda was to look at industry challenges and opportunities from the advisor’s perspective. Citing a recent research report by FUSE Research, he noted that advisors’ perceptions of themselves are changing and they are looking for help as they seek to pursue wealth management from a more holistic viewpoint. Five years ago, 32% of advisors viewed themselves as wealth managers whose core goal was to help clients reach their objectives through an advisory relationship, and 24% saw themselves as financial planners. Today, those numbers are 58% and 25%, respectively. In five years they are projected to reach 61% and 31%, leaving just under 3% who see themselves as brokers. Before introducing the next session, Co-Chair Kimberly LaPointe offered perspective on how the agenda was developed and the specific learning objectives for each session.

Executive Spotlight: The Industry Seen through the Consultant's Lens
Craig Pfeiffer, David Hyman & Arjun SaxenaIn opening the latest in a series of Executive Spotlights, Craig Pfeiffer commented, “We really want this session to bring an outsider’s lens and an outsider’s thinking to our industry. This is important because we sometimes tend to get trapped by our own inside-the-industry thinking.” Mr. Pfeiffer then moderated a discussion with panelists David Hyman of Mercer and Arjun Saxena of PwC that focused on industry economics, the increasing pace of change driven by technology, and the evolving roles of the wholesaler, the financial advisor, and the entire chain of intermediaries between the manufacturer and the ultimate client.

Some of the key points included:

“Going forward, when you think about the future of the industry, there will be fewer advisors. Today, the average advisor is 54 to 55 years old and there is a lack of a younger generation coming up through the advisor network. Simultaneously, there is an increased flow of assets going to IRA rollovers. So, assets are going to an area where there will be fewer people to advise those assets.”  

“If you look at the track record of the industry, it has had a way of reinventing its business models and work streams over time. If you look at a metric like ROA over the last 15 or even 20 years, it has largely stayed the same for the full-service brokerage business. The mix has obviously evolved and changed quite a bit as the industry has moved away from transactional products toward fee-based. Firms now have a much, much higher share of income that comes from lending products, be they mortgages or securities-based lending. Going forward, it will be harder to tweak certain aspects, but I certainly believe in the industry’s ability to add new revenue streams, add value to clients, and continually reinvent itself.”

“Technology costs will continue to rise because of the demand for process enhancements that enable efficiency and scaling and satisfy the demands of a more tech savvy generation of investors. Increasing regulatory pressure will continue to drive compliance costs higher, something that will hurt smaller firms unable to achieve the benefits of scale. Lastly, marketing costs – not a large cost component now – are likely to rise as reaching prospects becomes more digital.”

“Firms of all sizes should focus on three issues: enhancing returns for clients, controlling costs for both the firm and its clients, and, more importantly, mitigating risk. This means finding ways to become more competitive with peers, developing more centralized investment policies and portfolios, and streamlining manager lists. With the continuing decline in the ranks of rep as portfolio manager, there will be more reliance on the home office model, making being involved with the home office model critical.”

The Gatekeeper Effect
Moderated by Phil Casparius of John Hancock Investments, this panel homed in on “things we think about as managers every day.” How do we remain relevant to gatekeepers and advisors? If we don’t have shelf space, how do we continue to compete? How do we do a better job of preparing ourselves for getting into models? If we have very little model representation, how do we succeed as an asset management firm?

Phil Casparius

Important takeaways included:

“There will be a huge transfer of assets over the next ten years – not just from Baby Boomers to the next generation, but from financial advisor to financial advisor. The strength of the client relationship with advisors will be key in keeping and growing advisory business going forward.”

“The DOL rule gave firms an impetus to make some hard decisions when comparing home office model performance and advisor-created portfolios. It is going to be interesting to see over the next several years how many advisors are still running portfolios themselves autonomously as compared to those taking home office models and making input to them or accepting them in their entirety.”

“The rep as portfolio manager tide will begin to ebb. It’s not a sustainable value proposition for a financial advisor. With the markets sitting where they are today, if we get a 10% or 15% correction, there’s exposure and the whole risk lens changes dramatically. FAs are going to have to think about what drives their value proposition.”

“It’s no longer about a product. It’s about helping the advisor take his or her business to the next level. That’s the critical conversation, and I think FAs make decisions about who can help them with their practices, and the product becomes secondary in the conversation.”


The Future of Advisor Product Usage: Who Will Shape the Solutions Mindset?
'The Future of Advisor Product Usage' PanelThis session, led by Jeff Strange of Strategic Insight, kicked off with a promise to look at current trends through more of a product lens – how can asset managers do more to influence product placement within changing platform and asset allocation environments? The conversation began with a review of platform trends, how advisor service models have evolved, and the changing role of discretion. That provided a foundation for understanding how product will be used in the future as platforms dictate how asset managers plug into solutions. Finally, the group discussed portfolio construction and asset allocation as well as the development of new products and creating a support mechanism for them.

Solving the ESG Conundrum
Moderated by Laura Gregg of FlexShares Exchange Traded Funds, this session began by asking whether client demand for ESG investing has been overstated. With money on the sidelines waiting to be invested, clients who increasingly want to align their investments with their values, and a growing shelf of ESG products, where are the flows?

Among the expert panel’s observations:

“I think the demand is real, and I think there is an awareness and recognition on the part of financial intermediaries that there is demand – and it’s something they should take seriously. We have all seen those surveys that show a lot of interest from the investor, but not as much from the advisor, and I think this is true in the institutional market as well. The average financial advisor has the misperception that you have to sacrifice performance, that you can’t build a diversified portfolio.”

“Our numbers show that there is real demand and growth – it’s just starting from a smaller base. The large wirehouses are getting prepared for inflows from Millennials and expect that ESG investing will become mainstream. As a result, they are adding a good deal of ESG product to their platforms.”

“Managers must work with home offices on understanding and engaging with ESG products. It’s also critical to convey to investors how their portfolios have effected positive change and to market the governance aspect of ESG.”

President's Report: The Pillars of MMI Membership
Co-Chair Kimberly LaPointe kicked off Day 2 with a succinct recap of some of the key takeaways from the first day of the Summit and a preview of the morning’s agenda. She then introduced Craig Pfeiffer, who reviewed the five key pillars of MMI membership – membership experience, data and analytics, education and professional development, next generation initiatives, and industry developments and advocacy – and outlined major initiatives and programs now under way that align with each. In particular, he discussed the upcoming launch of the Center for Distribution Excellence, the range of new educational offerings available in the Continuous Learning Center, the evolution of the MMI OnDemand interactive data platform, and the new Gateway to Leadership Foundation model.


Keynote Presentation: The Evolution of the Distributor/Manager Dynamic
Tom JamesAfter a brief review of the important junctures in his long and distinguished career, Tom James, Chairman Emeritus of Raymond James Financial, went on to share perspective from his more than 40 years at the helm of the firm. He recalled that his father started the company as a financial planner, but quickly became expert in everything necessary to serve clients in the full sense of the word. “What he brought was sort of a new point of view which in today’s business speak you would call ‘needs-driven management.’ We needed to be able to serve the client in all possible ways from a financial standpoint to improve their lives and enable them to reach their financial objectives. We were not a sales organization built on selling an individual product and, in that sense, our business hasn’t changed much.”

Explaining that he is not “retired at home with nothing to do,” he described a seven-day work week and the very active role he continues to play at Raymond James. “I am the representative of our clients in almost every discussion at the firm. I find that when you get in business discussions, people focus on their own issues, and they don’t focus enough on the client.”

Mr. James went on to discuss proposed changes in regulations and the rollback occurring after ten years, the importance of M&A in driving the capital markets, and the future of the industry. He challenged industry groups to sit down with regulators to address issues and “serve our clients the way they deserve to be served.”

Advisor Panel: The Practitioner's View of the Advisor of the Future
In his opening remarks, moderator Sterling Shea of Dow Jones observed, “At a time of huge change in the business, we see it as being a ‘more-gets-more’ paradigm where fewer advisors who are best positioned to add deeper value for their clients are going to have an incredible opportunity to grow their businesses going forward. Advisors who are less capable of adaptation, driving deeper value and shifting their thinking as the capital markets backdrop changes are going to struggle, and that will expose mediocrity and put a lot of money in motion.”

Among the comments from the financial advisor panelists:

“If you are not growing, you are dying. You must be constantly marketing, and client referrals are a big part of our business. To generate referrals, you must constantly ask. In the high-net-worth arena, the referral wants to meet you first in a low-pressure environment, wants to check you out, and get to know you.”

“Meeting clients’ broader needs requires a broader range of expertise. To deliver full-service and holistic advice, it is critical to adopt a team approach. As an individual, there is no way you can marshal the power to get the job done.”

Other topics covered: The intensification of competition for assets, the importance of the digital footprint, developing succession plans for team members, the importance of knowing and serving all phases of a client’s life cycle, and migrating to a more outcome-oriented model.

'The Practitioner's View of the Advisor of the Future' Panel

Asset Manager Spotlight: The New Realities of Wholesaling Support 
Wendy StruttModerated by Wendy Strutt of PGIM Investments, this panel tackled a broad range of issues confronting wholesalers – how advisors are changing and how distribution professionals must respond to remain relevant, the composition of field sales teams by roles and skill sets, changing the focus of FA conversations, and the importance of advanced designations like CFA and CIMA.

“We are constantly wrestling with how we should square off with FAs,” one panelist explained. “It’s a changing dynamic. If you can’t bring something different and new, it’s difficult to get access.”

“Over time,” said another member of the panel, “the true differentiator for us is that we want to become indispensable partners to the advisors we work with. What that means to me is that we need to ask more questions, we need to listen more intently and understand that – when they recount for us the issues they are facing – we need to come back to the table with solutions that will help them. If we do that really well and consistently, they will come to us before others the next time they need help.”

The bottom line: “Lots of change, but some things never change – and one of them is the importance of great sales management.”


Washington Update
Jeff Bush of The Washington Update closed the Summit with a tour de force presentation on the political and legislative affairs environment in D.C. and the implications for the investment advisory solutions industry. His fact-filled and compelling remarks focused on three areas: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, what’s happening in 2018, and the fiscal realities facing our country.

Among the points he highlighted:

Jeff Bush

    • the importance of advisors understanding the impact of changes in the tax code and using that knowledge to develop fiscal and investment strategies for clients,
    • the winners and losers under the new tax laws,
    • the plight of high-income earners in high-tax states,
    • the steadily widening U.S. annual deficit,
    • the 70% of the annual budget allocated to interest on the national debt, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security,
    • and the prospect of a Treasury auction sometime in the future where the buyers sit on their hands.

    In Conclusion
    It was a jam-packed two days. If you were able to join us, we hope you left the 2018 Summit feeling energized and optimistic about the opportunities presented by The Shifting Landscape of Advisory Distribution. If you couldn’t attend, please contact us with questions on any of the topics or resources discussed in this recap.

    In either case, check the MMI calendar for upcoming events – and make plans now to join us for the 2018 MMI Annual Conference in Dallas on October 15-17. We will be reprising the well-received specialized tracks that debuted in 2017, and the MMI/Barron’s Industry Awards gala will be another highlight. We expect to top last year’s record-setting attendance with another sellout.

    Mark your calendar now for the advisory solutions industry’s most important event of the year. Registration opens soon – we’ll see you in Texas!

    MMI extends a special thank you to our 2018 MMI Partners and Summit Sponsors for making this event possible.


    2018 MMI Titanium Partner

    You don’t thrive for 230 years by standing still.


    2018 MMI Platinum Partner

    financial services @ the speed of life


    Summit Gold Sponsor

    Learn how Discovery Data can help you recruit qualified candidates, expand distribution efforts and improve marketing.


    Summit Keynote Sponsor

    Advanced Investing


    Agenda as of 3/13/18
    Download PDF

    Tuesday, March 20, 2018

    11:30AM – 1:00PM
    Registration and Executive Networking Luncheon

    1:00PM – 1:15PM
    Welcome and Opening Remarks
    Roger Paradiso, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Money Management Institute
    Craig Pfeiffer, President & Chief Executive Officer, Money Management Institute

    Summit Co-Chairs:
    Kimberly LaPointe
    , Executive Vice President, Head of Global Accounts, PGIM Investments
    Roddy Marino, Executive Vice President, National Accounts and Distribution, Brinker Capital

    1:15PM – 2:00PM 
    Lessons in Leadership
    In a period of great change and uncertainty in our businesses, strong leadership, carefully thought-out strategy, solid training and development programs, and superior communications are paramount to organizational success.  It is during such challenging times that we turn to the insight of leaders - whether within or outside the financial services industry - with a demonstrated track record of success and expertise in these critical functional areas.  Retired Vice Admiral Sean Pybus will share lessons from his extensive leadership experience and participation in the most highly trained, disciplined and agile organizations in the world - U.S. Special Operations and, specifically, the U.S. Navy SEALS.

    Key takeaways will include how to:

    • challenge your approach to the training and development of your teams,
    • instill discipline balanced with entrepreneurial freedom so that your teams execute in a nimble and effective manner,
    • improve decision making in all environments and particularly in times of greater stress, and
    • enhance communications across teams and constituents.

    Retired Vice Admiral Sean A. Pybus, United States Navy, Special Operations Command
    John Moninger, Managing Director, Retail Sales, Eaton Vance

    2:00PM – 3:00PM
    Executive Spotlight: The Industry Seen through the Consultant's Lens
    In this, the latest in MMI's series of Executive Spotlights, President and CEO Craig Pfeiffer leads senior executives from prominent consulting firms in a wide-ranging discussion of how the advisory solutions industry - and individual firms - can best manage key challenges and opportunities.  Topics will include:

    • New Frontiers of Industry Economics - critical bottom-line issues impacting the wealth management sector, among them fee compression, the need for increased transparency, and managing and scaling investment oversight,
    • Industry Consolidation - survival tactics and strategies, the shape of the firm of the future, the pursuit of scale, and dealing with industry convergence,
    • Generational Challenges - segmentation, simultaneously serving Boomers and Millennials, characteristics of next gen investors, and the changing role and profile of the financial advisor,
    • Active vs. Passive - the resurgence of active managers and the impact of ongoing market volatility,
    • Integration and Adoption of New Technologies - meeting enhanced advisor and investor expectations, AI, fintech, machine learning, and 
    • Products for the Future - where the demand is, what's on the horizon, and the outlook for ESG.

    Craig Pfeiffer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Money Management Institute

    Andrew Edwards, Partner, Bain and Company
    David Hyman, Partner, Mercer
    Arjun Saxena, Advisory Principal, Wealth Management Leader, PwC

    3:00PM – 3:30PM
    Refreshment and Networking Break

    3:30PM – 4:30PM 
    The Gatekeeper Effect
    If the advisory tides are shifting in favor of home-office and third-party strategist models, what is the knock-on effect on asset managers? How should managers strike the right balance between working with distributors to secure model shelf space and driving frontline sales through traditional wholesaling efforts? How are manager relationships with gatekeepers and financial advisors evolving – and what will they look like in the future?
    Key takeaways will include:

    • Steps managers can take to maximize relationships with their most important centers of influence
    • How managers can increase the odds of placing their products in distributor models
    • The role field sales teams can play in supporting broker-dealer home office initiatives
    • Working effectively with broker-dealer regional sales directors
    • How managers can best leverage client PMs and product specialists to drive their success

    Phil Casparius
    , Senior Managing Director, John Hancock Investments

    Joel Hempel, Chief Operating Officer, Lockwood Advisors, Director, Pershing, a BNY Mellon company
    Paul Santucci, Managing Director, Head of Field Development & Productivity, UBS Wealth Management USA
    Tom Thornton, Senior Vice President, Research Director, Raymond James Financial

    4:30PM – 5:45PM
    Breakout Sessions – Choose One: 

    The Future of Advisor Product Usage: Who Will Shape the Solutions Mindset? 
    This session looks ahead to how advisors will blend evolving advisory platform capabilities with asset manager expertise to create client solutions. Asset management and advisory platform executives will share their views on how trends in discretion and portfolio construction will impact advisor product usage in the future.
    Among the questions the panel will explore:

    • How will asset allocation models for retail investors evolve and expand? Will real assets and private equity become part of the mix?
    • Are advisors moving toward more outcome-oriented metrics to judge investor portfolio performance?
    • Which types of advisors are adopting multi-asset products, and how are they using them?
    • How will shifting centers of influence in portfolio construction impact product development?
    • Given the level of assets and the recent velocity of flows in RPM programs, can behavioral finance provide a path to a more stable investment selection process? How can asset managers help?

    Jeff Strange
    , Managing Director of U.S. Research, Strategic Insight

    Scott Brady
    , Head of U.S. Product Development and Strategy, Columbia Threadneedle
    Brian Rosevear, Head of Portfolio Solutions, Consulting Group, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
    Russell Tipper, Head of WM Product, American Funds

    Solving the ESG Conundrum
    On the surface, the business case for ESG investments is a strong one. Money on the sidelines waiting to be invested, clients who increasingly want to align their investments with their values, a growing shelf of ESG products … but so far net flows to these products haves been relatively light. Where is the disconnect? This panel of experts will share their opinions and discuss what needs to be done to unlock the potential of ESG and sustainable investing. 
    Discussion topics will include:

    • Is the client demand for ESG real or overstated?
    • How should advisors broach the very personal conversation about values-based investing with clients?
    • What are the educational challenges, and what tools can asset managers and distributors provide to help advisors become more proficient in ESG topics?
    • How should managers and sponsor firms view and approach the ESG/sustainable investing landscape?
    • Is a suite of ESG products still a differentiator or has it become table stakes?

    Laura Gregg
    , Senior Vice President, Director of Client Development, FlexShares Exchange Traded Funds

    Anthony Eames
    , Director of Responsible Investment Strategy, Calvert Research & Management
    Jessica Huang, Director, BlackRock
    James Lumberg, Co-Founder, Vice President & Managing Director, Product Service and Development, Envestnet

    Reception & Networking 

    Wednesday, March 21, 2018

    7:00AM – 8:00AM
    Networking Breakfast  

    8:00AM – 8:15AM
    President's Report and Co-Chair Review of Day One

    8:15AM – 9:15AM
    Keynote Presentation
    Tom James, Chairman Emeritus, Raymond James Financial 

    During his distinguished career, including more than 40 years at the helm of Raymond James, Mr. James had a front row seat to witness important shifts in the relationship between brokers and asset managers.  With that relationship as critical as ever, he will offer his perspective and insight on the history of the distributor - manager dynamic, its current state, and what the future holds.  

    9:15AM – 9:30AM
    Refreshment and Networking Break

    9:30AM – 10:30AM
    Advisor Panel: The Practitioner's View of the Advisor of the Future
    In the face of heightened client expectations and a shifting advisory landscape, three veteran financial advisors will share insights on how they are evolving and adapting their practices to create better client outcomes and sustained growth in their businesses.  Topics will include best practices and lessons learned about building and managing teams, delivering superior client results and service, and the dynamics of portfolio construction in an unpredictable market.

    Sterling Shea
    , Head of Global Wealth & Asset Management, Dow Jones

    Louise Armour
    , Managing Director, Tiano, Armour & Smyth Wealth Managers at J.P. Morgan Securities
    Clarke Lemons, President, Principal, WaterOak Advisors
    Kimberlee Orth, Private Wealth Advisor, Orth Financial Group, Ameriprise Financial Services

    10:30AM – 11:30AM
    Asset Manager Spotlight: The New Realities of Wholesaling Support 
    Reflecting the shifting advisory landscape, advisors today are looking for less frequent, but more strategic interactions with fewer wholesalers. This reality is challenging traditional distribution models and forcing firms to examine – and potentially retool – every aspect of how they interact with financial advisors. This panel of senior distribution executives will discuss how engagement models are changing and what it will take to successfully support the Advisor of the Future.  
    Our experts will share their insights on:

    • The difference between “wholesaling” and “consulting” 
    • How the increased influence of gatekeepers impacts wholesaling activities
    • Ways to define and recognize your best financial advisor partnerships
    • Where wholesaling can make a difference and how to measure its impact
    • Strategies to best align field sales force resources for success
    • Creating a differentiated value proposition for your wholesalers

    Wendy Strutt
    , SVP, Head of US Accounts, PGIM Investments

    Tim Hill, Executive Director, National Sales, Principal Global Investors
    Ed Kelly, Executive Vice President of National Sales, Brinker Capital
    George Sweeney, National Sales Manager, OppenheimerFunds

    11:30AM – 12:30PM 
    Washington Update

    As 2018 gets into full swing, the advisory solutions industry is digesting an expansive list of changes from the Trump Administration, including:

    • passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,
    • proposed national infrastructure repair program,
    • additional changes to the Affordable Care Act,
    • changes to immigration law and enforcement procedures, and
    • continued rollback of many industry specific regulations.

    Add to this list the uncertainty of the 2018 midterm elections - whether Republicans can maintain their majority in both houses, or whether Democrats' "blue wave" will become a reality.

    Jeff Bush, an expert in political and legislative affairs, will focus on the implications of these various factors on the advisory solutions industry.  He will discuss the extent to which Congress will adopt the President's legislative initiatives and how those are likely to impact the economy, the markets, industry sectors, and investments.  Specifically, Jeff will examine the extent to which the administration is likely to overturn or soften regulatory initiatives, including the controversial Department of Labor fiduciary rule, while providing strategies that investors and financial advisors may consider to take advantage of (or protect against) market volatility that may arise as these initiatives progress.

    Jeff Bush, The Washington Update

    Closing Remarks and Adjournment
    Craig Pfeiffer
    , President & Chief Executive Officer, Money Management Institute

    Keynote Speakers


    Jeff Bush
    The Washington Update

    Thomas A. James
    Chairman Emeritus
    Raymond James Financial

    Vice Admiral Sean A. Pybus
    USN, Executive Leader,
    Military Veteran,
    U.S. Special Operations Command

    Partners & Sponsors


    BNY Mellon 






    Eaton Vance

    Sponsorship Opportunities

    Several high-profile sponsorship opportunities are available for the 2018 Sales & Marketing Leadership Summit.

    For additional information, please contact Joan Lensing at jlensing@mminst.org or (646) 868-8518.

    Registration Fees

    Registration categories and pricing are as follows:

    Registration Date Registration Type Registration Fee Volume Discount*
    February 17 - Onsite
    Standard Registration
    $1,795  $1,695 

    *The Volume Discount applies to the third registrant (and beyond) once two individuals from the same firm register at the Standard Registration rate of $1,795. The Volume Discount may not be combined with other discounts or other reduced fees.

    Cancellation/Transfer Policy: All cancellations and transfers are subject to a $50 cancellation/transfer fee. Full refunds minus the $50 cancellation/transfer fee will be granted for cancellation requests received prior to 5:00PM ET on Friday, March 9th. After that time, no refunds or credits will be granted, however your registration can still be transferred to another individual at your firm. To cancel or transfer your registration, please notify MMI at (646) 868-8500.

    Hotel Information


    Hotel Hotel - Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina

    700 South Florida Avenue
    Tampa, FL 33602
    Main: (813) 221-4900
    Reservations: (888) 789-3090

    The Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina boasts a premier location on Tampa's pedestrian-friendly Riverwalk, and connects guests to downtown's dynamic cultural venues, city parks and vibrant nightlife.
    MMI's room block rate for attendees is $259 per night for standard rooms, plus applicable state and local taxes. To make your reservation, call (888) 789-3090 and reference the 2018 MMI Sales & Marketing Leadership Summit. After March 2, 2018, rooms may be reserved on a space and rate available basis only.

    IMPORTANT UPDATE (March 6, 2018): The MMI room block at the Tampa Marriott Waterside is now fully booked.

    Westin Tampa WatersideGuest Room Overflow - Westin Tampa Waterside

    725 South Harbour Island Blvd
    Tampa, FL 33602
    Main: (813) 229-5000

    MMI has secured another room block at the Westin Tampa Waterside, which is a 5-minute walk from the Marriott. 

    Rooms are available for Summit attendees at the hotel's best available rate.

    Please follow this link to reserve a room under the MMI room block, available March 18-21, 2018.

    CE Credit

    Investments & Wealth Institute has accepted the 2018 MMI Sales & Marketing Leadership Summit for 6.00 hours of CE credit towards the CIMA® and CPWA® certifications.

    Gateway to Leadership Foundation Golf Outing Fundraiser: Monday, March 19 at TPC Tampa Bay

    Kick off the Summit early and enjoy a round of golf with your industry colleagues. All levels of golfers are welcome for this charitable outing to benefit Gateway to Leadership.

    Honorary Chair: Kevin Osborn, Envestnet
    Where: TPC Tampa Bay, host of the PGA TOUR Champions event for 21 consecutive years, is located 20 miles from Tampa International Airport and 23 miles from the Marriott Tampa Waterside Hotel & Marina.
    When: Tee time is 12:30pm.
    Contact: Spots are limited. If you have questions, email MMI (events@mminst.org) and Honorary Chairman Kevin Osborn (kevin.osborn@envestnet.com) ASAP!
    Participation: The cost to participate in the outing is $325 per person – 50% of that amount is tax deductible as a donation to Gateway. Your donation will sponsor one college student to enroll in MMI’s new online investment advisory solutions training curriculum. This curriculum provides foundational training on our industry and will give the student a leg up post-graduation, helping to pave the way to a potential career in financial services.

    Download more information about the outing here.


    Attendee Registration:
    events@mminst.org or (646) 868-8500

    Speaker Registration:
    Laura Payne
    lpayne@mminst.org or (646) 868-8510

    Fees & Billing:
    Samantha Lustig
    slustig@mminst.org or (646) 868-8516

    Sponsorship Opportunities:
    Joan Lensing
    jlensing@mminst.org or (646) 868-8518