Webinar Archive

MMI Diversity & Inclusion Webinar Series: Industry Access – Part 1

Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 12 PM ET | MMI Webinar

MMI & the Gateway Foundation are excited to launch a four-part webinar series, Industry Access, dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in the Investment Management Industry. 

The first webinar in the series is designed for diverse college and university students looking to gain a better understanding of the Investment Management Industry, including Asset Management and Wealth Management.

Trends in Distribution and Sales Team Compensation

Thursday, February 4, 2021 | MMI Webinar

Join us on ThursdayFebruary 4 at 2:00 PM ET for a members-only MMI Webinar, presented by the Distribution & Sales Community. Four senior sales leaders will debate and discuss a range of distribution team compensation trends, including: 



The New SEC Marketing Rule: What You Need to Know

Monday, January 25, 2021 | MMI Webinar

Join us for this one-hour, member-only MMI Webinar that will provide an overview of the SEC’s recently adopted Advisers Act Marketing Rule and how the new rule will change how advisers market and sell their products and services.

Steve Stone and Christine Lombardo of Morgan Lewis will cover the following topics and answer questions:


MMI NetMeeting - The Next Decade of Alternative Investments: From Adolescence to Responsible Citizenship

Monday, December 14 | MMI NetMeeting

Join us on Monday, December 14 at 1:00 PM ET for this MMI NetMeeting to explore the future of alternative investments and the importance of professionalism in the industry.

MMI NetMeeting: Measuring and Compensating Sales During Times of Uncertainty

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Join us for this MMI member-only NetMeeting, which will look at how firms are adapting sales incentives and positioning themselves to thrive in the months and years ahead.

MMI NetMeeting - Investment Management Trends in the RIA Channel

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The RIA channel is the fastest growing intermediary distribution channel in the U.S., and it is wildly diverse in terms of how different RIAs approach investment management. This diversity is driven by the differing client segments RIAs serve, their individual business models, and the degree to which investment management is core to the RIA’s value proposition versus ancillary to a more goals-based financial planning focus.

MMI NetMeeting - Navigating the Impact of Coronavirus: Trends and Opportunities in Asset Management Distribution

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The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced asset managers, distribution teams, and financial advisors to completely reset their sales and service strategies during the first half of the year. What insights can be gained by taking a close look at recent data on product sales and flows and trends in advisor needs?

2020 MMI NetMeeting - Increasing Investor Engagement and Advisor Adoption Through Household-Smart Solutions

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The next wave of advisory innovation is well underway as firms focus on ways to increase investor engagement and advisor adoption. Their efforts center around coordinating advisory solutions, innovative annuity structures, and advanced technology to create an intuitive, graphic experience for both investors and advisors to manage household portfolios.

MMI NetMeeting – Guiding Investors in Addressing Income Inequality

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Income inequality is a defining issue of our time. In the United States, the top 1% of families earn nearly 27 times that of the other 99% of families. The richest 1% of families worldwide hold more wealth than the rest of the world combined. Beyond the obvious ethical concerns, income inequality is an extremely problematic issue for investors.

2020 MMI NetMeeting - Incorporating Annuities in Household Portfolios: Business & Tech/Ops Leaders Discuss Ecosystem & Platform Trends

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In turbulent times, investors seek protection, income, and tax savings in their household portfolios. Innovative annuities and advisory models, combined with advanced technology and new age ecosystems, enable advisors to help investors preserve their nest eggs and put themselves in a better position for when things return to the “new normal.”